Monday, October 18, 2010


Bob is in rehab, and learning to walk again, and I've been sick too, but daughter Ann is here, and I hope you can understand just how much that means. Ken brought over a watermelon the other day. What a delightful, refreshing gift!!!! I hope you are enjoying this wonderful weather. Marian

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Bob's in rehab now, and Ann took him his morning coffee this morning, a most welcome gift. He has requested cereal covered in fruit in the morning. Wonder how soon he might expect his entire food for the day! Also they shaved off his beard but didn't give him a hair cut, so Ann and I plan to braid his hair tomorrow. The doctor has implied that it will take 3 or 4 more weeks before he comes home.

Ann and I went to Arkadelphia this afternoon, for a short visit with my Doctor. The weather was perfect, and our Buick (Vance Elizabeth) couldn't have given us a better ride. Ann will be here the rest of the week, and Walt is coming next Wednesday---the silver lining of Bob's troubles.

We actually saw rain (that is water from heaven) over in Arkadelphia today. It lasted far too short a time-------Hope you saw some too, Marian

Monday, October 11, 2010

Didn't write on the blog this morning because I was sick. Had no ambition for anything. But joy of all joys, daughter Ann came from Long Beach, and is taking care of me. I'm much better tonight. Bob is in rehab, and getting therapy to help get back the strength of his legs. Still don't know when he can come home.

I've been told to both eat more food and drink more water. One doesn't get such instructions very often, and so I'm taking advantage of them now. Marian

Friday, October 8, 2010

Bob is to be moved to a re-hab place today--it was to have been yesterday, but the doctor didn't release him. Keep you posted.

Hate to say it, but there wasn't anything in the papers that I wanted to remember today. So I hope to get started on the good book Ann sent me to read in my waiting for Bob to get HOME time. I really miss him. Have a fine day today, Marian

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Bob is to be moved to a re-hab today called the PINES. I'll keep you posted.

I'm so ashamed of that Church in Topeka , Kansas---I hate to admit that there are people in Kansas (or anywhere else in the world) like that.

Looks to be another perfect weather day--enjoy, Marian

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Bob will be moved to a rest home (they call them something else here) today, and it will be close enough for me to drive to see him. Whooppeee

Had a great time in Arkadelphia yesterday--lovely lunch at Mary Ella's, and a good visit with the doctor. Have a good day--Marian

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Bob was sleepy when we were there yesterday, but that didn't stop him from calling me at 2 am!!!!!!!! Have to go to Arkadelphia today--perfect day for it. Have a good one---Marian

Monday, October 4, 2010

A New Week

I slept until eight o'clock this morning--first time in YEARS! Haven't even had a call from Bob, so I hope he is sleeping late too. We had a nice visit yesterday, but still no word about when he can come home.

Have a lot to do today. Maybe it will keep me from talking to myself! Have a good day, Marian

Sunday, October 3, 2010


The thing that caught my eye this morning was the fact that some team lost a game because they had too many players on the field!!!! Bob sounded good this morning. Will see him this afternoon. Enjoy the weather, Marian

Saturday, October 2, 2010

I get so tired of ordering things over the phone and getting a non-human answer. I never know if anyone really gets my message--yuk yuk. But Bob sounded good this morning over the phone when he called. He thought he would be getting me up, but I'd been up for hours! Ha Ha.
Hope that I can get out to see him this afternoon-----Marian

Friday, October 1, 2010

Bob came through the Operation in good shape. They fused the vertebrae with a piece of bone from a rib. I think I heard the phrase "in about a week" about coming home, but I'm not going to count on it.

Best news in the paper this morning was that "the panel" (?) refused to raise the rate on stamps 2 cents! Have a lovely day today--Marian