Thursday, September 30, 2010

An Operation This Morning

Bob's being operated on sometime this morning as they thought that his neck was healing too slowly. I wish I were there, but will go out this afternoon.

The paper this morning mentioned a new planet, perhaps capable of having life! And from to sublime to the ridiculous, another story about fighting over one dollar! Have a good day--Marian


  1. Marian,

    I'm Ann's pen pal friend in Iowa. She told me Bob's surgery was a success and he is doing well. How wonderful! I've been looking at your web entries. I am impressed with your strength and common sense - let's get it done mentality. You've created (or at least helped to create) that same strength in your fabulous daughter. I'm thinking of you and Bob. Pam

  2. Hi, received email from Annie with the good news. I am so glad! Love, M
