Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Our washing machine that we moved here in January JUST GAVE OUT! But we used the money coming out of Bob's ears to get another that will be delivered today. We have at least three loads ready to go-----ugh. I made bread this morning--hurrah!

We had a successful visit in Arkadelphia yesterdeay even though it sprinkled some--Marian


  1. Oh! Sorry about the washer. Glad about the money (how does he do that?)
    I had a birthday last week and Joe gave me a car detail--yep, that's right. My car is being cleaned, thoroughly, in the driveway. While they are at it, he is having his done, too. It's really quite a treat--means I don't have to do it. Who knew--and what a creative gift!

  2. What a good idea, Marilyn! I'm going to mention this to my Joe...
    Mom, sorry about the washer. But I hope the new one is like ours and sings a cheery series of bell tones at the end of the load rather than that awful BZZZZZZZ sound. Funny, but that cheery series of bell tones always lifts my spirits. Who would have guessed?!
