Friday, July 23, 2010


Janet, Pete and Mary will get here this afternoon---with our limited kitchen resources, you can imagine me scrambling around to get them a good evening meal to eat! Want to get it all done before they get here, which could be as early as 2pm. I have two small pans and a skillet-----will have to make my macaroni and cheese in two phases as I have no pan that will hold 3 quarts of water---fortunately, we bought a pan yesterday big enough to put it in the oven for final cooking, and the salad is done. We expect a wonderful weekend even if tomorrow is scheduled to be the hottest of the year-------Hope you can think of "cool"things to do as we are trying to do-----Marian

1 comment:

  1. So.... YOU are fixing the mac and cheese? What with all of Bob's selflessness in the meal making department, do you even know your way around the kitchen anymore??
    Love, YFD.
