Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Bob says he feels lethargic; I feel sentimental; he doesn't know why, and I'm thinking about Ann as today I need to send her some recognition if she is to get it on her birthday. She was a big baby, BORN with tact as one of her talents. Example: when Walt and I were playing social solitaire on the floor, and when she woke up from her nap, did she walk all thru our game? No, she always went around it. That's tact!

The announcement that the Gore's are separating makes me very sad. I have always admired the Gore family, and have been very impressed with his work to help the country understand and deal with the environment. Whatever their reasons are, I trust them to be doing the right thing, but I'm very sorry. Another fine example just "bit the dust"! But the best to both---

Go give your "other half" a hug, and have a good day----Marian

1 comment:

  1. hi Marian - Its nearly bedtime for me. I was a bit surprised to hear that the Gores are separating but the press release that said they talked it out rang true to me. I'm always sad to hear that a couple breaks up. It is interesting that the Clintons remain married. No sure what any of this means. I have a plaque on the wall that says "it is what it is"
