Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day 2--After a perfect breakfast, after a nice morning of more coffee and talk,we went to PIE DAY! The lady at the bakery fixes pie every Thursday for anyone who wants to come and visit over fresh pie and more coffee. Today it was peach pie. Then we went to the gift shop that we like here in Oswego--bought them out---well, almost. Christmas shopping. Then a couple of hours later we went to the farmer's market run by the Amish. Two pies, 20 new potatoes, two loaves of bread, some cinniman bars, and Lasagna, and even a pint of buttermilk for Bob. Now the girls are going swimming, and the rest of us HOPE for a nap. It's movie night===don't you wish you were here? Marian


  1. Yes, I wish I was there. Except for the peach pie (I do not like it). But I would love the fresh breads! Sounds like a lot of fun! Love, M

  2. I looked at the map. Was the awful flood in the National Forest close to where you live now in Hot Springs?

  3. Marian, I really have never followed a blog before . . . but the time has come for that to change.

    Drive carefully on your return to Hot Springs! I'll send a few more stories.


  4. Hi Marian! Fun seeing you in Kansas and riding out the storms with you! Have a safe trip back to Arkansas. - Karyn

  5. Hi Mom! Bet you are half way home by now! Love, Annie.
