Thursday, June 17, 2010


Yesterday was a real mixture of good and bad: weather good, but hot; wonderful friend and some of her family came to visit, but house a mess as we were trying to get straightened up from our trip; hair fixed by nice lady, but not like Joan fixes it; good food but nobody sent me info about how to eat salt without eating it; had a good visit with my neighbor, but Bob and I each lost all six games of solitaire ----well, that's the way the day went: good and bad. Today has started out well, but all the flowers on our outdoor patio and front stoop died while we were gone, and we'll have to start over on those parts of our house. BUT I have a good book and NOTHING that I have to do!!! The "good" to you, and no "bad"---Marian

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marian life seems to be like that -- some good some not so good == glad you are back. I'll be in Hot Springs to make a presentation at the Arkansas ASCD conference Sunday. I'll stop by after I finish.
