Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Some of our long-standing friends came over from Arkadelphia this noon, and we all went to a really nice place to eat. (I had a chicken sandwich on cranberry bread that couldn't have been better) One went to the Oberammergau, and the other went down the half of the Rhine they didn't do last hear. They don't understand that we've "done that and been there", and like our own projects here in the cottage.

Have a cover almost done for the Colerean Program Book. It celebrates 70 year's of the club's existence. I hear many complaints that both men's clubs and women's are just barely hanging on. People don't want to meet in their homes, nor do they want to serve as officers. I'm guessing that these clubs no longer fill needs in the lives of people who at one time needed them as a way to be a part of the community. Colereans are limited to 20 members at a time, but have had only 15 for a long time. We have TV which sometimes can develop programs most of us could not, and we have computers that keep us in contact with the world and out friends.

I've made about 20 covers for the Colerean Club and I'm thinking this may be the last. I am thinking that I would rather be in the kitchen band here in the village! ---------Marian

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