Thursday, May 6, 2010


Now my printer is printing multiple copies of things I no longer want. It's a good thing that by the time one has reached the nineties, one has learned to control (somewhat) emotions when things go wrong, and in the past I gave computers credit for that. But here it is testing me out again. Yuk.

We have a day's work before us getting ready for the craft show tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed that we do well. Retirement? Means not working? Lots of relaxation? Not sure---

Enjoy your world today----Marian

1 comment:

  1. Computers, TVs, new electronic things of all kinds can be maddening! Why is it that my 7 year old grandson can operate them and I can't? And that is not a joke.
    Meanwhile, keep calm. Call a local teenager who seems trustworthy--he or she can likely fix about anything to do with a computer! Good luck with the craft fair. Hugs from Nashville.
