Sunday, May 16, 2010


I stopped work on the Sunday Crossword to wish you all a good day. For me Sunday is such an end to one set of activities, and the beginning of the new that it is really a needed and special day.

I'm a salt freak: have eaten it on everything, from bananas to pumpkin pie, all of my life. But now I've been told that it is very necessary for me to go without it. Although very difficult, I have cut it out on everything except my morning egg----and that I just can't do yet.

And here's a thought about salt. Do you realize that at some point in our history, it was decided that everyone needed a certain amount of iodine in their diet? Powers that be, whoever they were, decided that it could be combined with salt , and that would take care of it. What a important step that was----would our present Congress have been able to do that?

Well, that's my thought for the day. The sun appears to be out, and that should help you have a great day-----Marian


  1. Happy Sunday to you! Doug is busy drafting and I plan to try your mother's bread recipe! I'll let you know how it goes . . .

  2. "Spices provide an infinite variety of flavours -so who needs salt? Try these spicy tips. Grate a little nutmeg into scrambled eggs for breakfast with a difference."
    I had to look this up, of course and this is the most unique idea I saw. I've never tried it--but it seems I have 33 hardboiled eggs, (previously explained via email) and........
