Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I got all of that stuff done yesterday, and even the bread turned out well: loaves weren't the same size, but, oh, they are good! Oh no, I didn't finish the book---good, tho, as I have that to look forward
to this afternoon. Can also look forward to dinner tonight as we are invited out with two other couples to a place we haven't been before.

But the exciting thing yesterday is that we got to see the l86 (minus 2) pictures that Debbie took of us a week ago. She wanted to "capture our spirit" (which I think is the spirit of our nineties), and I think she did. Now I'd like to take the days of the blog off one at a time, and put a picture with each day, and save them with my other bios. Haven't figured that process out yet.

Debbie is a wonder-woman. The sun is out: enjoy it: that's an order! Marian


  1. Good morning, I look forward to seeing the pictures. School starts again next week.

    So where are you going to eat?

    It feels like summer today.


  2. Looking forward to seeing the pictures, too. It's hot and humid here. I had to stop my outside painting. I, too, am going to dinner with girlfriends tonight. We're looking forward to seeing you in June--if the new restaurant is good, maybe we'll go there when we are visiting? Enjoy!
