Sunday, May 2, 2010


The Papers must have gone to print too early to report on the storms Friday night, because we had very bad ones throughout the State both nights. Bob and I found it fascinating to watch the TV as it showed their rapid movements through the State. .

We did go to the photography show over in Arkadelphia, and how glad we were that we did. It was the first ever, and very successful. There were 120 entries, and over 300 photos, colorful and professional. My dog picture didn't win, which was not a surprise, but it made me feel good that it was entered.

Win and I are going to get together this afternoon to see what comes next on our project of telling and writing about the interesting people here in C.C. Village. It has been a good project, and we got to know people who have done exciting things. I will, however, be glad when it's over as it put us under too much pressure. And "pressure" is what we thought we retired to get away from!!!! I'M TIRED OF PRESSURE, so hope we make progress toward the end this afternoon. Hope you all enjoy yourselves today. Marian

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