Saturday, May 22, 2010


Herb treated us all to a fish dinner at the Wharf last night. There must have been a million people there, and the noise level was high. But there's a different kind of talk in a situation like that, and the thing I like about it is that because it's hard to hear, everything is funny or clever. It was a good evening.

However, the Friday Night Political programs capped off by Bill Moyers are just not the same since he retired. Too bad. It's not always easy to find people with whom we agree on TV programs. Both Bob and I were amused to see that Ron Paul, the son, is a Tea Party-er, and his Father just couldn't be more different.

It's Mary Jo's birthday today, and Herb will be over soon for the rest of his visit. His son, Jim, will get here tomorrow to take him home to Tenn. And Laibles go back to Florida Sunday too, so all will soon get back to normal. "Normal" if you count not being able to get your e-mail up! That's my predicament now, but the "fixers" come Monday. Hail to a working Computer!

Please---make your day a joyous one! Marian

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