Friday, May 28, 2010


This is a day with no project scheduled, so in order to have something to say in the blog, I had to think of one. Shine silver!! And I got about half of it done before needing to stop. It looks so pretty that I think I will do it more often!

Talked to Ann on our regular Friday phone visit, and all is well with her. They are having guests for dinner tomorrow night, and she has ideas to try out in the studio. Happy girl. Asked about Joe's business and economy, she said that he isn't complaining, always a good sign that things are better.

Hope to get the interviews done, and if the powers that be get on the ball and get them printed for distribution soon, that project will be over.

Well, it's almost lunch time-----sun is shining---guess this would be a good day for you to do what you want to do----Marian


  1. Polishing Silver!! You are ambitious.
    My painting project is on-going, but I do have some painted outdoor pots and tables to show for my efforts. Hard work and I don't get a lot done very fast, but it's coming along.
    It's cloudy and lightly sprinkling here today on and off again.
    Have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend!

  2. Ahh, well it is satisfying to take the tarnish from silver. Had Tabitha today as June and Shane finished their teaching obligations for the the year. Enjoyed visiting yesterday.

