Thursday, May 27, 2010


If you haven't seen yourself 186times in pictures, you have yet quite an experience before you. It reminds me of the old saying, "My face, I don't mind it, for I am behind it. It's the fellow in front who gets the jar". Bob confounded it by getting two copies of each at Walmart--that makes 400 and some self portraits of US. I guess Debbie caught the spirit of the nineties, and we'll have lots of ways to put them together with the blog.

Yesterday, I found a way to get it printed from the computer to paper--not very sophisticated result, but a start of quite a record of this part of our lives.

We also had another nice experience: went to dinner with Win and Bill and had good conversation, great food, and lived through a BIG thunder storm. But it did give us a much needed rain. The sun is out now---have a happy day---Marian

1 comment:

  1. You are more computer savvy than most of us out here! I'm impressed!
